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601 Second Street
McFarland, CA 93250
Phone: (661) 792-3081
Fax: (661) 792-2447

Elementary Schools

410 E. Perkins Ave
McFarland, CA 93250
Phone: (661) 792-2113
Fax: (661) 792-5423

356 West Kern Avenue
McFarland, CA 93250
Phone: (661) 792-3033
Fax: (661) 792-6036

800 S. Garzoli Ave.
McFarland, CA 93250
Phone: (661) 792-0003
Fax: 792-0030

Junior High Schools

405 Mast Ave.
McFarland, CA 93250
Phone: (661) 792-3340
Fax: (661) 792-5681

High Schools

259 Sherwood Ave
McFarland, CA 93250
Phone: (661) 792-3126
Fax: (661) 792-2315

599 5th Street
McFarland, CA 93250
Phone: (661) 792-3178
Fax: (661) 792-6758

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