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Picture of Mayela Bujanda-Medina, School Principal

Mayela Bujanda-Medina, Principal
Kern Avenue Elementary School



Kern Avenue Elementary Families,

My name is Mayela Bujanda-Medina, and I am honored to serve Kern Avenue Elementary as principal.  I grew up in McFarland and attended Kern Ave. from 2nd – 8th grade (before we had a junior high school).  I began my teaching career at Kern Avenue when my old principal hired me as a teacher.  My four children attended and now my grandchildren attend Kern Avenue.  My family is a true Bobcat family!

As your principal, I look forward to building relationships with our community and communicating through Parent Square, the school website, and our social media (Facebook: Kern Avenue). Our school office team is always here to help, as well. Please make sure that we have your updated and current phone numbers and emails, so you can stay informed on all school information.

At Kern Avenue Elementary our Bobcats R.O.A.R.!  We teach our students the life skills of Respect, take Ownership, positive Attitude, and Responsibility. At Kern Avenue we are FAMILY and support one another.

It is my pleasure and honor to work alongside the students, parents, and staff. Together, we will continue towards student academic and personal success! We will work towards our academic goals through the Fine Arts including art, music, drama, and broadcasting.

Thank you for your continued support!


Mrs. Mayela Bujanda-Medina, Principal


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