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     Incoming freshmen starting the 2019-20 school year will be the first to experience the program. They will be given a chance to choose between several pathways, including certificates in specific subjects all the way up a two year Associate's Degree.

     No matter which pathway is chosen, the classes are mapped out so students can complete them as part of their regular high school schedule.


  1. McFarland High School Early College-BC Pathways_30-60 Credit
  2. McFarland High School Early College -BC Pathways - Ag. Business Management
  3. McFarland High School Early College- BC Pathways_ Photography
  4. McFarland High School Early College-BC Pathways_Business
  5. McFarland High School Early College-BC Pathways_Education
  6. McFarland High School Early College-BC Pathways_Public Health
  7. McFarland High School Early College-BC Pathways_Welding
  8. McFarland High School Early College-BC Pathways_Logistics (Pending)

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