In an increasingly complex and competitive world, McFarland Unified School District has a unique responsibility—and opportunity—to reshape and revitalize the role of vocational education as an engine of educational implementation and workforce development. We have 6 vocational teachers at McFarland High School. School wide 450 students are served with over 50% of our student body enrolled in vocational courses. There are 215 students in introductory courses and 235 are in advanced classes. Vocational Education at McFarland High School inspires and facilitates learning and, unlike traditional vocational education, aims to prepare students for ongoing education, long-term careers, and citizenship, as well as entry into the workplace. This will have a focus on rigorous and relevant content, experiential learning, career awareness, supportive relationships, and demonstrated outcomes.
The mission of the McFarland High School Vocational Education program is to accelerate student performance through great teaching and hands on learning, and to provide each student with the optimal academic, artistic, career technical educational and social opportunities to ensure that learning takes place through effective allocation of available resources.
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