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Bully Report

Are you being bullied or abused?  Have you witnessed bullying or abuse of someone else?  Take a stand and make a report!

What we need to know are the 5 W's

  • What happened:  Be specific
  • Who was there:  Name the bully/bullies or abuser/abusers and any witnesses
  • Why did it happen:  List any reasons you may know of.
  • When did it happen:  Date and specific time; passing, before school, after school, break
  • Where did it happen:  Classroom, restroom, on campus, school bus, school event, off campus

Please include as much information as possible and don't be afraid to reach out to a friend, family member, or trusted adult if you or someone else needs help.

Please submit reports to your teacher or annonymously on a teacher's desk.

If you have any questions, Please contact Mrs. Garcia or Mr. Veiss.

Principal: Mrs. Garcia

Counselor: Mr. Veiss


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