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WASC is an acronym for Western Association of School and Colleges. Its' accreditation certifies to other educational institutions and to the general public that an institution meets or exceeds established standards and is achieving its own stated objectives. WASC and the other five regional associations in the United States grant institutional accreditation after a comprehensive self-study followed by an on-site evaluation of the programs and services of the total institution.

Accreditation means that the institution’s certification covers all diploma or degree programs and educational activities offered by the institution. The evaluation determines whether or not the institution qualifies for regional recognition, but more important, periodic self-study and review promote improvement in educational quality.


The Process

The WASC accreditation process typically occurs every three years with a "Mid-Cycle Review" visit to make sure we are on the right track. In March of 2013, a WASC visiting committee came to San Joaquin High School and met with students, parents, faculty, and staff. Additionally, the committee observed instruction in classrooms. Their commendations and recommendations are included in the "Initial Visiting Committee Report" that is available to view at our site.

We are pleased to report that the Schools Commission of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) has granted San Joaquin High School accreditation for six years, June of 2013 through June of 2019.


Mid-Cycle Review

Sometime during the 2015 school year, a WASC visitation committee will return to San Joaquin High School to conduct our "Self-Study Review". The WASC visitation committee will review the progress that we have made in responding to the critical areas of improvement identified in the previous visiting committee’s report. The committee does this to help us meet the needs of our students and further prepare for future visitations.  

We are in the process of preparing for the "Self-Study Review" report enlisting the support and input from staff, students, parents, and community members. We will provide all stakeholders access to this document, by posting it on this webpage, once we have completed it. We invite you to visit this page often for updates.


Focus Group 

Due to the size of our school all staff are in 1 Focus Group covering the complete Self-Study Review and the important Action Plan.

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