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April Newsletter
April 01, 2011

EARTH DAY lets celebrate it!

Did you know? April 22 is Earth Day for everyone. Millions of projects world wide are done in respect to earth on this day. What can you do in return to what mother earth has given you? Earth day has becomeone of the most important hallmarks all around the world for conservation, recycling, and appreciation. It carries with it a powerful connotation of ecological responsibility and taking ownership of our planet; after all, it is our only Earth that we have, and taking steps to minimize the impact that you and your fellow man have on it is nothing short of revolutionary.

Earth Day gives those people who have not taken part in recycling or conserving the opportunity to make changes to their lives and their community that they will cherish for a lifetime. We live life enjoying the beautiful parts of our world, breathing its air, drinking our water, and harvesting its nourishment.

Spring Break

Does it feel like spring break yet? The sun is out, the birds are singing, and flowers have bloom at this time of year? Did you know that at the start of spring—the vernal equinox—day and night are each approximately 12 hours long (with the actual time of equal day and night, in the Northern Hemisphere, occurring a few days before the vernal equinox). The Sun crosses the celestial equator going northward; it rises exactly due east and sets exactly due west.. Spring break vacation for SJHS and MIS starts on April 18th to 25th. Students and parents enjoy your spring break and be safe.

Student Spotlight   

Who do you admire? Why?

Ever since the day that I was born, I have been blessed with a beautiful family. There is one person apart from everyone who I really admire, and that is my mother. My mother has taught me many things that have made me the person that I am today. She has taught me that the most important thing in life is to love God before anything and anyone else. I admire my mother because she is very loving, a hard worker, and really optimistic.

            My mother has been someone very important in my life. She has been through so much in her life since she was a little girl, but yet she has loved to give to everyone. My mom has also been my role model. She has taught me to respect to get respect back. She has also made my life the best life that I could have ever wanted. She is really loving, caring, and most of all she is patient me.

            I really look up to her because she gave labor to me at a young age and she worked very hard to give me everything I wanted and needed; not that I wanted many things only the necessary. Even now that I’m older she still tries to give me what I need and want. I can’t be without her she is my whole life. Everyday, she remembers me that I am her birthday gift.

            Furthermore, my mother is very optimistic in life. She has taught me that

even if everything seems to be lost there is always a solution. She finds a solution for everything, even when things do not go as planed. She is a positive person; she’s always trying to make me smile when I am down. She has taught me how to care for people and love people.

            I give thanks to God for giving me life at the side of my mother. My mom is a very important person in my life. Her teachings will be useful for the rest of my life.

by: Enereida Torres
SJHS student.

Enereida Torres loves spending time with her family. She enjoys school and plans to attend college after high school. Teachers at SJHS encourage her to pursuit her dreams.

Reminder: Fill out and submit your FAFSA forms!

Attention students! There is money out there for students who have an interest in attending college that will assist them with college expenses. Seniors who are completing their high school requirements and want to attend college, now is the time of the year to fill out your federal student aid FAFSA form. For initial award,

students should fill out their application starting March 2nd of this year. The student can fill out his/her application through their school of interest or by visiting the Federal Student Aid website.


Visit: to fill out your application.

So, you want to go to college!

The A-G’s is what you child needs to take in High School to go to college.

A – History CP/above   2 years
B – English CP/above  4 years
C – Math                       3 years
D – Lab Science           2 years
E – Foreign Lang.         2 years
F - Visual/Perform Art   1 year
G – College Prep Elec. 1 year

Attend a Junior College and transfer

McFarland Learning Center
Adult Education Schedule

Citizenship           Monday & Wednesday            6:00-9:00   pm

Computer Skills   Monday – Thursday                 4:00-9:00   pm

ELD                       Monday – Thursday                 6:00-9:00   pm   

McFarland Unified School District does not charge a fee of any kind for classes in
  • English as a second language (ESL)
  • Citizenship classes for foreigners
  • Computer Skills classes
It’s STAR Testing Time!

Every year California measures student grow through the standardized state test (STAR Test) administered in April.   California public schools will be testing students to measure how students are performing in the areas, of Language Arts, Math, Social Science, and Science. Students, parents, and schools motivate students to do their best at this test. A well night sleep and good breakfast is essential for students to feel good during the test. Good luck students and try your best!

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