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Judge Tafoya Visit
January 24, 2013


   The Honorable Kern County Superior Court Judge, Robert Tafoya, visited our site on September 29th, and spoke with the students during a breakfast assembly (See pictures above). He reflected upon his career, situations he has observed, and he shared his “Top Ten List” for succeeding in life, both personally and professionally. He also brought information to share with the students regarding pathways to higher education and careers that they might enjoy and that will pay for the better things in life. Passionate about life and stressing that it is important to give back to the community, he promised to return at a later date.

 Judge Robert Tafoya’s Top 10 List of Personal and Professional Things to Remember: 




  1. Life is not fair
  2. You will not make $60,000 a year right out of high school
  3. If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you have a boss
  4. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity
  5. If you mess up, it is not your parents’ fault
  6. Television is NOT real life - In real life, people leave coffee shops and go to work
  7. With character, nothing else matters
  8. Maintain a spiritual basis
  9. Learn to study
  10. Always do your best – in everything you do  

      *Bonus for the ladies – do not depend on others



     Parents are encouraged to visit the school at anytime. Also, before enrollment of all minor students a parent and/or guardian must accompany the student for a pre-enrollment orientation meeting. Annually the McFarland Learning Center sponsors a Back-to-School Week and an Open House Week where we invite all parents, community members, students and staff to participate and visit our school and the programs we offer.

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