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David Lopez
Director of Information Systems
The greater goal of the Technology and Information Systems Department is to summarize policies and standards to provide the framework for the use and application of technology resources by continuously evaluating the status of technology resources in McFarland Unified School District schools and to outline technology related issues identified by teachers, parents, administrators and community through needs assessment processes.
We believe that this will be achieved by adopting research based technological models and use them in the McFarland Unified School District to develop appropriate educational strategies by creating an internal confluent educational system where technology is not considered an independent and isolated area of instruction, but rather an integral part of the District's educational vision, mission and goals.
Defining clear, realistic goals and comprehensive Timelines and Benchmarks allows us to create a projection for the implementation timeframes and specific objectives that will be used to monitor progress. The department's implementation strategies are based on six main areas or strands:
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